Accepting the person you really are and the fact that you may be different from others... Perhaps one of the most beautiful lessons of Life that can be learned.
Being different.
What does that mean exactly?
How do you know if you are really different?
A nasty look, a hurtful remark, a judgment someone might make about you... You may have already felt this kind of manifestation against yourself.
Those gestures that make you feel inferior, that discourage you and put you down.
These harmful intentions that steal all your self confidence, all your motivation.
Today, I really want to tell you that you all have the right to live your life as you are, according to your own rules, your own codes. And if some people persist in trying to put you down, let them say and show them that their words no longer have any impact on you.
Show them your Strength.
Become your own role model.
Free that part of yourself that you used to keep hidden in a tiny corner of your heart.
Let it out and you will see that you can do anything...
Despite all the hurtful remarks, you will succeed in moving into action, without fear, without doubt, to create the life of your dreams.
You will no longer need to wait for any outside approval.
You will no longer need to listen to advice and guidelines from magazines...
You will be yourself.