Writing also means being inspired by others...
Getting out of this creative bubble to open up to the world and the surprises it can contain. To be honest, it is quite possible to discover surprising things every day if we are open and able to receive them.
I discovered a surprising and fascinating reading a few days ago now. Was it just a coincidence? I don't think so... This book called 'Atlantide', written by Thomas Chérel, a young French author, was like a revelation for me.
For some time now, I no longer had the wish to write, I couldn't find inspiration or feel connected to my imagination... I felt lost and desperately alone. Then, I started to read this book, this mysterious and fascinating story about Atlantis, a lost city in the middle of the ocean. The more I read this book, the more every word resonated in me.
Choosing to be a writer means taking the risk of living periods of breaks when it is impossible to align more than two words. Now, in these moments, when we are often in the grip of doubt, fear, apprehension... What happens to me? Would I be able to write again? How could I connect myself again to my imagination, to my inspiration?
... It is important to step back.
Just letting go, to analyse and understand this situation in which we seem to be trapped. For example, what helped me through this uncomfortable period, was the reading of this book... Reading allows you to forget, for a moment, your daily life and let yourself be immersed in the universe described throughout the pages. I was beside the character, I felt his emotions, his fear, his anguish, his joy... I had the impression to evolve with him. And I even wanted to help him in certain situations, almost forgetting that he remains a fictional being, a "paper being"...
Reading this book, taking time to discover this new universe has finally helped me to reconnect to this flame that I feel deep inside me.
This flame is my creativity and my wish to write...
I thought I had lost it, but it was just waiting to be revived. Today, I know that this flame is still there, deep inside, and I know that I would never lose it because it is a part of me!
I may not know what I will write tomorrow but I know now that I will write... But, for the moment, I will continue to be inspired by others, by the world around me and all the surprises it can bring me...
I am now ready....
See you tomorrow, dear journal.