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Fall in love... with writing

Photo du rédacteur: Chloe Barthez Chloe Barthez

Dernière mise à jour : 30 oct. 2019

Writing asks the writer to entrust a part of himself to the diary, novel, or text he is writing. But how do we know if we are ready to confide this part of ourselves? How could we be sure that we can involve our feelings without taking the risk of being disappointed or hurt?

Writing asks us to feel, to trust. It's like falling in love: you can fall in love with writing as you can fall in love with a person... It is a new and frightening feeling because it asks us to take a step towards the unknown.

When you fall in love, you become vulnerable, you leave your comfort zone to open your heart to a new opportunity: Love.

Falling in love is having a chance to share your life with someone who really cares about you and with whom you might have a chance to walk towards shared happiness.

But, like writing, this fear of falling in love often prevents us from taking the risk to open our hearts. Fear encourages us to stay in our comfort zone, to avoid being hurt or disappointed... But fear finally prevents us from living our lives to the fullest!

When we write, we may sometimes be confronted with this fear of the blank page. This feeling of fear that paralyses us, that prevents us from writing... This fear, often unconscious, is usually caused by a lack of self-confidence. It's the same for love feelings.

Sometimes we may be confronted with the fear of engagement; we do not want to express our feelings, we do not have the courage to accept or assume them. We often prefer to stay in our lonely bubble and not taking the risk to open our hearts to the person for whom we feel an attraction... It is so much easier to continue living our lives, hidden in this protective bubble, this reassuring cocoon that will always be there no matter what.

But is living this way just living? Could we really fulfil ourselves as writers if we do not have the courage to come out of this bubble and experience the world around us?

There is only one solution left: to find, deep inside, the courage of being ourselves, being confident, and opening our hearts to the magic of Life...

So, what are we waiting for? Let us become the captain of our existence and make sure that we finally write the pages of our lives without feeling this paralysing fear...

Heath, B. (2017). Don’t be Afraid. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2019].


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